Lothar Raucamp

  • Lothar Raucamp

    Lothar Raucamp

    Fighter for the cooperative idea in logistics and founder of dedicated industry insurer Kravag
  • Lothar Raucamp

    Lothar Raucamp

    Fighter for the cooperative idea in logistics and founder of dedicated industry insurer Kravag
  • Lothar Raucamp

    Lothar Raucamp

    Speech at the IRU
  • Lothar Raucamp

    Lothar Raucamp

    Fighter for the cooperative idea in logistics and founder of dedicated industry insurer Kravag

Lothar Raucamp: Fighter for the cooperative idea in logistics and founder of dedicated industry insurer KRAVAG

Haulage entrepreneur Lothar Raucamp established logistics insurer Kravag and thus secured the future of numerous transport firms. This fighter for the cooperative idea ranks among the greats of the logistics sector and put the industry firmly on the map internationally in his roles as IRU President, President of the Federation of German Long-Distance Haulage and Chairman of the Federal Agency for Long-Distance Haulage. 

Field Transport logistics, insurance, association policy
Country Germany
Final position Managing Director of international haulage company Lothar Raucamp & Co., Düsseldorf, Germany; Chairman of Supervisory Board of logistics insurer Kravag, Germany
Born October 27, 1905 in Ronsdorf, Germany
Died November 7, 1985, Germany
Induction into the Logistics Hall of Fame 2016, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Berlin, Germany
Laudatory Speaker Werner Gockeln, CEO of SVG Bundes-Zentralgenossenschaft eG, Frankfurt/Main, Germany


  • Merits

    • Lothar Raucamp was born in Ronsdorf on October 27, 1905 as the son of a brewery director He graduated from high school and in 1921 entered into an apprenticeship as an export merchant. He did voluntary work at the Reichsbank’s head office in Düsseldorf and worked as a clerk at an export company. In 1930, he started his own haulage business by establishing the internationally operating Spedition Lothar Raucamp & Co. in Düsseldorf.
    • Raucamp was the initiator and co-founder of industry-dedicated insurer KRAVAG Logistk.
    • Due to increases in insurance premiums, many transport companies found their survival threatened towards the end of the 1940s. Haulage entrepreneur Raucamp, showing courage and vision, decided to set up his own insurance for the transport industry. He embraced the idea and together with 13 other people in the transport sector established KRAVAG in 1950 as a mutual insurance company. The focus was on the co-operative idea on the grounds that the saved costs would benefit the members.
    • Raucamp was named chairman of the Kravag Supervisory Board and, as the holder of this position, he decisively shaped insurance logistics over a period of 30 years. The focus of his efforts was always the cooperative organisation of insurance that still exists today. Transport industry entrepreneurs and representatives of road transport organisations and associations remain active in the bodies of KRAVAG SACH VVaG and help determine company policy. A key to the continued success of KRAVAG is working closely with road transport cooperatives.
    • The entrepreneur was pivotal in the young Federal Republic of Germany through his unprecedented commitment to logistics. Among other things he headed the Federal Association of German Long-Distance Haulage (1947 - 1974) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU). Those who knew him say Raucamp was always able to achieve the best for the industry through diplomacy and entrepreneurship.
    • In 1966, Raucamp was awarded the Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany, followed in 1972 by the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
    • Lothar Raucamp died on November 7, 1985 aged 80.
  • Vita

    Born October 27, 1905 in Ronsdorf

    Set up in business independently in 1930 with the internationally operating Spedition Lothar Raucamp & Co. in Düsseldorf

    In the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany, he was President of the Federal Association of German Long-Distance Haulage, President of the International Road Transport Union (IRU and Chairman of the Board of the Federal Institute for Long-Distance Freight Transport .

    1950 - 1980 served as Chairman of KRAVAG-SACH (non-life insurance)

    1965 (foundation) - 1980 served as Chairman of KRAVAG LIFE (lifer insurance)

    1966 awarded Cross of Merit 1st Class by the Federal Republic of Germany

    1972 awarded Great Cross of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany

    Lothar Raucamp died November 7, 1985



  • 24/7 GmbH
  • AEB
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  • Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung
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  • Bundesvereinigung Logistik
  • Deutsches Verkehrsforum
  • DSLV Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik e. V.
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  • impact media projects
  • International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
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  • trans aktuell
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  • Winner Spedition