As the core, the members of the Logistics Hall of Fame are anchored in the statutes. They are the legends of logistics and represent the major milestones of the logistics industry.
The decisive factor for an induction as a member of the Logistics Hall of Fame, on the other hand, is that a performance is not only beneficial for an individual company, yet that it has significantly and permanently advanced logistics beyond the boundaries of one's own organization or has become an industry standard. The service can be technical, strategic, scientific, business or entrepreneurial.
With this form a person can be proposed for induction into the Logistics Hall of Fame or as Logistics Leader of the Year. A single person can be proposed here for induction into the Logistics Hall of Fame
Wir danken Ihnen für Ihren Vorschlag bzw. Ihre Bewerbung!
Das Nominierungs-Komittee wählt nach Prüfung aller Angaben aus allen eingegangenen Vorschlägen bis zu zehn Kandidaten, aus denen die Jury das neue Mitglied wählt.
Die Mitglieder des Nominierungs-Komitees werden im Mai bekannt gegeben. Das Votum der Juroren wird im Oktober bekannt gegeben.
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Die Logistik Hall of Fame