Submitting proposals
What projects can be submitted for the Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Excellence in Humanitarian Logistics? What are the minimum components a proposal must include?
How to apply correctly:
- A humanitarian organization may submit a completed supply chain management/logistics project with demonstrable results. Several organizations can also propose a project. The results must not be older than three years.
- Justification must be provided as to why a project is innovative or sustainable, improves efficiency, and serves as a role model for the humanitarian logistics field.
- A nomination is independent of an organization's name recognition or size. What matters is that the project was sustainable, had a positive impact, and serves as a role model for the sector.
- The justification should describe online what actions were taken, how they were implemented, and what demonstrable results were achieved. The following structure with three headings should be used: Challenges, actions, and demonstrable results. Integrate facts and figures wherever possible.
- Each proposal must be justified and be demonstrable. Sources and links should be provided online at the end of the application to substantiate statements.
- Proposals are free of charge and can only be submitted online at www.logisticshalloffame.net.
- Only applications in English or German are valid.