ConnectChains: New Logistics Hall of Fame event
The Logistics Hall of Fame is launching a new international conference in 2023: ConnectChains will celebrate its premiere on November 29 in Berlin. Partner is Fritz Institute based in the USA.
The event aims to ensure that knowledge transfer in the field of humanitarian supply chain management takes place among humanitarian organizations, commercial enterprises, government representatives and other stakeholders, and that the players network even more closely. In addition humanitarian organizations and logistics companies should be better prepared to manage crisis situations in the future. As the Federal Minister of Digital and Transport is the patron of the Logistics Hall of Fame, the conference will be held on the premises of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport.
"The leverage of networking is enormous - there is still great potential for collaboration, especially in topics such as sustainability or cooperation among various players. Supply chain costs account for between 60 and 80 percent of the total cost of a project, and humanitarian organizations have recognized that optimizations in supply chain management, especially in logistics and purchasing, are key to the success of projects. With the ConnectChains Conference, we are helping companies, governments and humanitarian organizations worldwide to better understand the different challenges faced by all parties involved and to jointly leverage this potential," emphasizes Thilo Jörgl, Executive Jury Chairman of the Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Excellence in Humanitarian Logistics.
The summit is intended for logistics and supply chain experts in humanitarian and development organizations as well as logistics companies. Also invited are representatives from foundations, academia as well as international funders.
The panel discussion will be followed by a presentation by the winner of the Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Excellence in Humanitarian Logistics. The team from the selected organization will be given an opportunity to showcase the innovative project. This is for the first year for the Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Humanitarian Logistics which is awarded by the Logistics Hall of Fame. Sponsor is Fritz Institute.