Gebrüder Weiss once again Silver Partner of the Logistics Hall of Fame
The renowned logistics company Gebrüder Weiss has extended its commitment as Silver Partner of the Logistics Hall of Fame for another year.
The company is continuing its long-standing support of the Hall of Fame, which honors outstanding achievements and innovations in the logistics industry. As a Silver Partner, Gebrüder Weiss contributes to the promotion and recognition of excellent logistics expertise.
Gebrüder Weiss Holding AG, headquartered in Lauterach (Austria), is a global full-service logistics provider with around 8,400 employees and 180 company-owned locations. Currently, the company generates annual sales of 3 billion euros (2022). Its portfolio includes transportation and logistics solutions, digital services and supply chain management.
Supporters of the Logistics Hall of Fame are a group of people and companies committed to documenting excellence in logistics and honoring its creators. They pursue a common goal: to show worldwide what logistics can achieve.
If you would also like to support the Logistics Hall of Fame, you can find an overview of all the possibilities at https://www.logisticshalloffame.net/en/sponsors/sponsoring-opportunities.